Seer and Sage

About Seer & Sage

Seer & Sage is a mystic tribe of artists, musicians and healers whose mission is to guide, uplift and restore balance to those in need. We offer ceremonies in the supportive presence of a group setting. We aim to deepen our connection with the natural world and to support the body's innate ability to heal itself. Operating out of Kingston, New York, Seer & Sage provides Sound Healing and Energy Medicine, along with Reiki, Crystal Therapy and Shamanic Journeying.

Seer and Sage

Healing Offerings:

Sound Medicine

Sound Medicine is an unforgettable sonic experience. We begin by clearing the energy of the room and placing large singing bowls upon participants. The subsonic power of the bowls, gongs, drums and didgeridoos vibrate cells in the body to actuate healing while Shamanic drumming, native woodwinds, rattles, vocal expression and more, interact with higher brain function. The experience closes with an auric cleansing and finalizing mantra which leaves you with a profound sense of metamorphosis.

Chakra Illumination

The illumination is a form of Incan Healing Medicine, which is particularly helpful for exploring your innermost being and restoring a healthy balance within yourself and your relationships on every level. In the process of Illumination, blockages and stuck energies are removed from your light body. This will open your heart, cleanse your aura, open your inner vision, clear old DNA patterns of disease, and rebuild your energy field. Incan Healing Medicine nurtures the seed of light inside you so that it can sprout, bloom and flourish even beyond your session.

Shamanic Reiki

Shamanic Reiki is the practice of opening and relaxing the body through powerful healing energies. This combined with our Shamanic techniques, allows repressed emotions, negative thoughts and even physical pain to be removed. This blending gives a powerful, yet gentle healing which transforms deep emotional pain.

Seer and Sage

Shamanic Drum Journeying

A Shamanic Drum Journey is a voyage to the subconscious; the "inner plains" or Spirit World. Through Shamanic Drumming, you enter an altered state of consciousness in order to heal, grow and transform yourself. The Shamanic Drumming is a constant repetitive rhythmic sound that will allow you to enter a deep state of relaxation.

Power Animal Retrieval

Through Shamanic Drumming, one can obtain their Power Animal. Each individual has a Power Animal which is a personal guide, guardian, and protector. There will be a deep connection with this animal and will be confirmed to you during your journey.

Soul Retrieval

With your Power Animal, you can obtain soul fragments that may have split off or fragmented into pieces. This phenomenon can occur because of traumatic experiences, depression, or anxiety. During the Shamanic Drum Journey, you will see your fragmented soul and allow it to become one with you; showing your fragmented self that it is safe to return back to the body.

Body, Breath and Energy Movements

Holistic Fitness involves a deeper and integrative approach of mind, body and spirit into healthy lifestyles which become habitual. We guide you through movements inspired by Taichi, Qigong, Yin Yoga, Hatha, Kundalini and more. People of any age can perform these practices, regardless of physical condition. These are exercises that are simple to remember and can be practiced at home.

Guided Meditation

Since ancient times, Indigenous cultures have embarked on a mythic journey within themselves and through this process, they obtained psychological and spiritual growth. Through the process of Guided Meditation, you will learn to tame the mind, open the heart and awaken intuitive abilities. These methods can range from concentration and mindfulness, to contemplation, and visualization. Many of these therapeutic practices are clinically proven to benefit mental health.

Cacao Ceremony

When prepared and consumed correctly as part of ceremony, cacao can profoundly open our hearts. The benefits of living with greater awareness of the heart are many, including greater access to love, abundance & connection. Engaging with cacao and powerful herbs connects us to the spirit of the Earth and prepares our bodies for further integration.

Cutting of Ties

When there is an unhealthy attachment to a person, a job, or a place that is no longer serving you, a cutting of ties can be done. Through Shamanic rituals, this cord is severed and the person is liberated.

Seer and Sage

Seer & Sage | Kingston, NY

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